Phone 833-264-9444
Email roisoleil@tciway.tc
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While most people coming to the island want to rest and enjoy the quiet island lifestyle, most want the conveniences of home. The villa is well equipped in this regard with internet, satellite tv, local and VOIP phone service and AV equipment in almost every room.
The Villa uses a business grade multi line telephone exchange system allowing each room to have its own private extension with both local and US phone lines so that calls to the US, Canada and the Island are free. The driveway gate, laundry room and beach access gate is also equipped with a phone that allows incoming, outgoing as well as intercom calls to the house.
Each bedroom as well as the two living rooms is equipped with DVD players and 42"+ TV's. The Villa also has a modest DVD library.
The main living room is equipped with a sound system with local radio station, CD, satellite and Internet radio program feeds. The pool deck is also equipped with a speaker system.
While getting around the island is fairly simple, there is a GPS with island maps available should you need it.
It is island life, complete with minor inconveniences that can take some time to remedy- Dead car battery, flat tires, and a variety of other possibilities that can be difficult and time consuming to deal with. As a result of years of experience on the island, we have essential tools such as booster cables, battery chargers and air pumps at the Villa if they are needed. Our 24/7 on call grounds man can assist with any issue that you may have. Villa Roi Soleil is equipped with the amenities typically found in a upscale resort as well as some items that resorts don’t even have. We believe that you will find the Villa Roi Soleil is better equipped than most Villa’s on the island. Here is a quick summary-
Despite the fact that the Turks and Caicos is a very low crime country, security is often on peoples mind, especially if they are not familiar with their new destination. We take security seriously and as a result, the Villa is equipped with a state of the art security system that incorporates battery and diesel generator backup, multiple monitoring center communications links, a multitude of computer monitored cameras and advanced multi mode motions sensors. The Villa grounds are automatically lit at night and all access points are electronically monitored and gated using digital locks. The Villa room doors utilize per visit digital code dead bolts and each bedroom is equipped with private code personal safes. Driveway access is via electric operated gates with a road call box.
Internet WIFI
The Villa grounds are equipped with multiple WIFI access points to provide site wide Internet access, including the beach.
Automatic lighting
The villa grounds are automatically illuminated at sundown each day. All walkways are illuminated.
Backup Power
Its a fact of life in the Caribbean, Electricity supply is rather unreliable for a number of reasons. Most commercial establishments and Condominium/Resort developments have backup generators to account for this problem. Villa Roi Soleil also includes this feature. The Villa’s diesel generator is large enough to power the entire Villa at full electrical consumption and has enough fuel to run for several days, ensuring that power is maintained even in the event of extended outages due to hurricanes. You will not even know that there has been a power interruption on the Island.
Villa water is supplied by an on site storage tank that is refilled by either rain or delivery truck. This water is filtered and sterilized as it is being used . While the storage tank is large, we ask that attention be paid so as not to leave the water running by accident.
Air conditioning
All bedrooms plus the entire guest house are equipped with air conditioning even though the ceiling fans are usually quite adequate to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Laundry room
The fully stocked Laundry room is located in a separate building on the grounds.