Phone 833-264-9444
Email roisoleil@tciway.tc
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Welcome to Villa Roi Soleil in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI)
While pictures can provide only a limited view of of the sights and personality of the Villa we hope this website will give you an brief view of this jewel of the Caribbean located on Providences, Turks And Caicos Islands. All of the pictures presented here are of the actual current (March 2018) Villa and geographic area surrounding the villa. In addition to to the photo's, the website also provides some information about the island, the always pleasant weather, the people of the island and why the Turks and Caicos has been listed as one of the top Caribbean luxury destinations for the discriminating traveler. Undoubtedly the Turks and Caicos islands do not suit everyone and it is our hope that this website will help those unfamiliar with the TCI decide if this is the right place for their vacation.
We recognize that Villa Roi Soleil is not your only choice for a Turks and Caicos destination rentals but we hope the the information provided here will show why we feel that it is the better choice. Many repeat visitors to the island have told us that Villa Roi Soleil is the best villa that they have stayed at, even after many villa rentals at different locations on the island. We are sure you won't be disappointed.Please enjoy browsing the content and if there are any questions just ask.
We hope to hear from you soon.